Contributing to @social-embed/wc
Clone the repo
git clone
This sample uses the TypeScript compiler to produce JavaScript that runs in modern browsers.
To build the JavaScript version of your component:
yarn build
To watch files and rebuild when the files are modified, run the following command in a separate shell:
yarn build --watch
This sample uses web-test-runner and the open-wc test helpers for testing. See the open-wc testing documentation for more information.
Tests can be run with the test
yarn test
Note: On Ubuntu, you may need to download libraries:
sudo apt install libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libcups2 libxcomposite1libxdamage1
Dev Server
via vite preview
yarn serve
There is a development HTML file located at /index.html
that you can view at http://localhost:4173/index.html.
If you use VS Code, we highly recommend the lit-plugin extension, which enables some extremely useful features for lit-html templates:
- Syntax highlighting
- Type-checking
- Code completion
- Hover-over docs
- Jump to definition
- Linting
- Quick Fixes
The project is setup to recommend lit-plugin to VS Code users if they don’t already have it installed.
Linting of TypeScript files is provided by ESLint and TypeScript ESLint. In addition, lit-analyzer is used to type-check and lint lit-html templates with the same engine and rules as lit-plugin.
The rules are mostly the recommended rules from each project, but some have been turned off to make LitElement usage easier. The recommended rules are pretty strict, so you may want to relax them by editing .eslintrc.json
and tsconfig.json
To lint the project run:
yarn lint
Prettier is used for code formatting. It has been pre-configured according to the Polymer Project’s style. You can change this in .prettierrc.json